I’m going to Costa Rica to participate in the Earthwatch Institute’s Costa Rican Sea Turtles expedition http://earthwatch.org/expeditions/costa-rican-sea-turtles. I’ll be patrolling the beach at night collecting data on nesting sea turtles; counting and marking nests and making temperature measurements. Sea turtles have been around since the Triassic Period but with populations down 90% or more in recent years they need our help now.
What to bring?
Binoculars, waterproof field notebook and pencils, hand lens, digital camera with battery charger and cable, Dell laptop computer with power cord and ethernet cable, data stick, headlamp, Earthwatch documents, a good book, Panama hat, water shoes, bathing suit, sunglasses, day pack, rain poncho, sunscreen, insect repellant, lip balm, bandana, water bottle, watch, alarm clock, PASSPORT, cash, plane tickets…