So I had to collect some data at my original 2010 Hypolith Array on the Mirabib Road, but nobody was going that way and all the vehicles we had with us were spoken for. So I wandered up the hill to the Gobabeb Station headquarters and asked if they could help. Eugene kindly offered me the keys to a Suzuki jeep parked outside. I kept quiet about my lack of experience driving on the wrong side of the road, shifting gears with my left hand (automatic transmissions are unknown here), or my total ignorance of the use of the 4X4 differential lock! Also, I had no driving glasses with me. But, hey what could go wrong? All I had to do was drive slowly maybe eight miles on a level dirt road with absolutely no other traffic. So I took the keys and figured out the controls.

The jeep was apparently donated by the Turkish government. I was alone out there, so of course I took water with me and told Eugene where I was going. It was great! Nothing went wrong. It felt really good to be solitary in the desert after so much togetherness with fifty other scientists. I found my site, got my data, and was back in little more than an hour.

Aren’t you glad you the Honda has kept your shifting skills up?